Special Thanks to Mr. JC Penney aka Minh, my sweetie pie boyfriend who flew all the way from Vancouver, Washington to attend my graduation!
He's still here right now actually..glued on his Blackberry.
Blackberry to Minh is Blogspot for Steph.
He's also currently snoring, I can hear him from the dining table.
Now that I'm relieved of all academic duties for the next 3 months, it's all about blogging! I promise more more more more makeup posts. I've been a busy bee lately, and ..forgot about makeup!) I know, I said it..shame on me!
I have been tagged by several lovely ladies who I know have love for DSK!! <3
Special thanks to the adorable Holly for her Tag Post Update + Tag ..hehe she reminded me to do the tag!
A lot has been going on in both our lives, we haven't had much time to talk like we used! I'm so glad blog exists where I can be a stalker and stalk Holly, and everyone else I follow. ha ha ha ha! You are being watched!
Time to Answer Questions!!
1. Respond and rework: Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag eight other people.
1. What is your current obsession?
(He just asked me how to spell Optometry as he sits on his Blackberry)
We just got back from Star Trek, I wasn't excited about seeing the movie..b/c 1. I'm sick (exhaustion from the 5 hr car ride). 2. I'm not a sci-fi nerd, haha. Yes, I'm a hater!
But I ended up LOVING the movie, it was really good.
To all the sick people out there! Get well soon!
My symptoms are body ache, exhaustion, tired, soar throat, runny / stuffy nose..back ache for serious! My legs ache, my arms ache, and I feel this chill constantly running through my body. And my toes tingle..I have anxiety too, it's like the feeling that you get when you have to go to the bathroom really bad. :( haha now I'm being the annoying sick person who bitches and moans!
I'm sick, so I get to boss people around!! ARGGHH jk..but my mom does make me hot tea and honey out of the goodness of her mommy heart, and she even coined my back, not once but two times!! AHHHH
2. What is your weirdest obsession?
My weirdest obsession is recruiting as many guys as possible to get their eye brows threaded! It makes a world of a difference in the brightness of their face! Minh & I went today, we waited 20 minutes for the owner, whom I love to come into work at the mall!
Black Victoria Secret Crop "work out" crop pants, Black Tank top from H &M, and on top Grayish Blue Soaring Eagle Casino Fitted T-shirt (I got for free with my rewards cards!! a $19.99 value!!!) & Forest Green Banana Republic Zip-up Hoodie (that I always wear) b/c I suck at rotating my wardrobe..I'm so lazy that I just wash, and re-wear. I have a closet full of clothes that I neglect, cannot fit into, and barely ever see the light of day. (WILL WORK ON IT THIS SUMMER!) I also have a leopard print fuzzy throw on my lap cause I'm sick and it's freezing! lol, I think my dad was a little upset that I left to go see a movie. I had been complaining and lying in bed all day. I feel bad for Minh b/c he's visiting while I'm sick :( But he's been a good sport, as always.
My favorite food is mushrooms, I love raw mushrooms with hint of french dressing, but it can't be thick french dressing b/c then it's too rich. It has to be the light french that's not thick. haha. You can't use too much french though because then it will over power the mushrooms, just a hint!!
Our family switched over to AT&T for our internet, cable, and phone line. lol
The AT&T tech guy was here from 8:30am-12:40pm, and I gave him 3 necklaces for his wife, and 2 daugthers (who are around my age!) He's was a really nice guy, and seemed like a really great dad.
I would like to learn how to swim..I took swim class in the 10th grade, but never built up the courage to let go of my boogie board! lol. (I almost drowned when I was 4 years old in a pool in California..my inflatable duck (with two holes for legs flipped over, and I was stuck under water). My grandpa tried to get to me, but a kind brunette man saved my life! That's all I can remember.. I was hysteric, and never had interest in swimming since. I tell everyone this story. hehe, it definitely was a terribly memorable day in my life.
The button on Minh's phone/life source.
Definitely Summer! I'm a ROLLERBLADER!
My most challenging goal is my struggle with weight loss. I've gained an embarrassing 35lbs since my Junior year at MSU. I was always a bit chubs growing up, but I'm at the point of feeling unhealthy, and tired a lot.. I know this feeling because I was heavy in the 12th grade too, but after a visit to my doctor and my mom's help I lost 20lbs (eating a lot of oatmeal in the AM, drinking tons of water, and exercising everyday) This is when I picked up Rollerblading, fo serious. I have 3 sets of skates, Rollerblades, K2's, and Rollerblade's Marthon Skates (THE HUGE WHEELS w/ no brakes!). I'm a little scared to hit the trails again b/c my balance is probably off because of my weight..but I'm definitely going to get back into being tan and more fit! I just miss waking up and feeling great about myself. As of lately, well, even the week prior I wake up feeling terrible, and I feel a uncomfortable void/pain in my stomach and chest (a definitely no no!)
I love Hollyannaeree most! She's the sweetest girl I've met yet. Her personality is outstanding, her sense of humor is my match! haha, and she can type like no other on her phone!! It amazes me. She continues to amaze me each time we come across one another through our online networks. I can't say enough about how much I value my friendship with Hollyannaeree! LOL! I just heard a ding on my Mac Mail (it's 11:47pm), and Holly just left me a comment on Facebook! AHAHA, see we're fated to be in contact with each other in one way or another !! I also love the fact that she's REAL! Really awesome ^_~ haha I'm cheesy. But it's true.. plus she has a lot of cats, who doesn't love Cat Woman? She's sexy, outgoing, and gorgeousssss. Plus a genius! DSK of The Day! I couldn't ask for a better spokesbeauty. She does everything she does for me out the goodness of her heart too. The way to her heart, you ask? haha those Japanese marshmellow candies! (the good brand only!) Speaking of them.. I just bought a bunch of new munchies for future packages ^_~
Newport Beach, CA with the view of the ocean! And have all you ladies as my neighbors! Now how sick would that be? Think about it!! We could spy on each other >.< ok..maybe that's not a good thing. Physical stalker is pushing it. haha
Maybe one of my ancestors, I just want to know what they went through, and to see if anyone of my other ancestors are like me!
A necklace by DSK, duh!! hahaha jk, even though I like my necklaces and crystals, I would love to have the keys to my dream house in my hands! ^_^ NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!
14. What languages do you want to learn?
Korean so I can talk with Jennifer in public when neccessary!
A SENSE OF HUMOR + A GREAT PERSONALITY, must be silly, and love to explore the world around us, and try not to eat the at the same restaurant twice! Someone who is willing to try new foods with me, and will never hesitate to insert that $100 bill in the $5 slot machine, and press MAX BET!!!
Josh Groban because I've loved him throughout high school..until I met Minh. lol
Definitely anything that's on the radio, Josh Groban, and K-pop!
BOSS of a law firm (having more power than Minh) + BOSS of a few business on the side..aka DSK Jewelry! I'd love to invest in helping my friends start and grow their own businesses too if I ever become successful before they do. I keep my friends close, and money doesn't mean a thing when it comes to anything that relates to friendship. BUT IDEALLY, I'd rather win the Mega Million, invest 75% of it, and splurged on everything I ever wanted. And following in my mom's footsteps to donate to countries in Africa, Vietnam. (My mom yelled at me for saying this earlier today (b/c my mom lectured me on the the worth of human life..and dogs)..but I really want to donate and dedicate my time to help all dogs in need find a good home). Ever since I can remember, that was one of my deepest desires.
The $1 or $5 slot machine. I did this a lot this past mini vacation..and blew a lot. Minh & I are the biggest idiots ever. We hit up 6 casinos...and I probably got sick from touching so many random slot machine buttons!! GERMS!! EWWWW
I don't really have a favorite restaurant yet, I eat out more than a normal college student should have..and once you eat out regularly..it all starts to taste the same. And your waist line just gets bigger, and bigger. And your face expands! Not even contouring with Emote blush can do the trick after a while of consuming restaurant foods... I'm so glad I'm home and in the care of my Vietnamese mother and grandmother. I know they're nurse me back to health!
I like what I like, it's hard to describe lol. I like everything on others, but never myself. I'm a sweats, jeans + t-shirt kind of gal. (this I must change!)
BLOGS, enough said.
24. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP! Wuzzy..I am so in love with that Mint Chocolate blue little lotion bottle you gave me a while back.. I smell it everyday almost haha, secretly!!
MAC. I'm trying to venture out to new brands, but everytime I buy something I think of what MAC item I could have bought with that money! Sighh..
MAC Studio Fix Powder NC 40 mixed with C4, applied with my 187 Skunk!
I don't..I am always waking up because I have to go pee (sucked ass living in a dorm with community bathrooms, I had to lock my door, walk down the hall (sometime the bathroom is closed for cleaning so I'd have to walk to another, then back to my room and unlock my door!! what a pain!!! Then I can't go back to sleep b/c I've been awake for too long walking that I woke up!! ARGHHHH
I was super lazy in the dorms when I didn't have class, I'd wake up at 11am daily if I could.
I think I'm going to set a better sleeping schedule this summer..in bed by 11pm? awake by 8am to go exercise? Does that sound feasible..? Blog seriously kept me awake for many many nights because you West Coast girls would update when it's nearly midnight for you, but 3 am for me!!
I started beauty blogging b/c I ran across Pink's blog one day back in September, and I was so amazed with her life style, and gorgeous looks ^^ that I just had to make an account to comment! I never intended to start blogging until she nagged, I think it was 2 months later that Jennifer (Beeyoutiful7) and I started to figure out how to blog! haha, you can say NOOBS!
I owe beauty blogging to Pink, and I will be forever grateful to her for touching my life the way she did and blessing me with a network of great girlfriends who understand more than anyone else I could ever meet in person! Asides from Minh ^_~
My eyes when I'm not chubs. Did you ever notice that your eyes get smaller and squintier if you start gaining weight!?!
Aubrey's youtube, then blog (my friend Oliver, who is pinoy became a fan of Aubrey and watched her latest video before I did and would update me! haha) when she entered Pink's contest where she looked super tan and had on that bleach blond wig! That's how I found Pink because Aubrey raved about her ^_~ Bless youtube, and makeup gurus, seriously from the bottom of my heart!
DSK's Question ~>
32. If you had the option of going to Sam's Club or Costco, which would you pick!!!!!??!?!?!?!??!!!!
Costco!! Even though I have a Sam's Club card (joint account with Minh..haha that's when you know we got REAL serious!!)
My mom has Costco though, so I always try to talk her into going. There's also this diamond ring I admire there, it's a heart shape (it's the heart ring that is actually a $1200 bridal band, I like the $23,000 solitare diamond too, but that's not really feasible YET) puahha..kind of FOBBY, but everytime I go to Costco, it's a must look at item!!
Thank you to all the beauties who tagged me to this post! I now tag everyone who reads this!! You MUST do it, or else..I will be sad because you didn't do it.
I leave you with Minh's idea for DSK Jewelry.
-A suprise box of DSK Jewelry by DSK.
Still figuring out the kinks! But..It's definitely going to be the bomb cause I love putting together packages ^_~ Plus, I have all this jewelry that deserves owners!
P.S. My Ba Ngoai (Maternal Grandma) has been organizing my jewelry for me..hehe my little sister things I'm a terrible person, but Grandma doesn't mind because it gives her something to do..she really hates it here in Michigan! (She's from CA, but is staying with us through her cancer treatment, she's staying strong!) I love my Grandma!!
I'm also very proud of my sister,
She's a junior in h.s., and a Yale & Harvard candidate. She won the Harvard Book Award for being Valdavictorian of her Junior Class, and is in The Grand Rapids Press (thanks Jennifer for letting me know while I was away in Lansing).
I'm so proud to be her sister, even though we have a love hate relationship 24/7 puahaha. Also, Julia, if you're reading this..you forgot to frost one of the cupcakes you made today for your friends and classmates. HOW UNPROFRESSIONAL. Even Minh had to make a remark =P
P.S. I FAILED at walking MSU in the Black Heels...I bought Sparkly Flip Flops from Target!
I let all you beautiful heel wearers down..
(now I realize why girls struggled walking in heels..I look like a Viet FOB.)
haha, oh well, at least I'll get a second chance when I graduate Law School in 100 years! I'll definitely practice in heels for that graduation!
Who looks like her daddy? Steph does!!
Minh gave me pink roses, then the next day, light pink Vera Wang roses arrive at my parent's house! Jennifer send me the most gorgeous roses ever!! 2 dozen of beauty. Thank you unnie!!
You know I heart you 4 lyfe!!
Once again she got Minh jealous, hahaaha not my fault I "can't find the note to who it's from" until 15 minutes later, AHAHAHA
P.S. I made a rather large purchase from the simple beautiful, cute, adorable, kawaii Eki!! I can't wait to share with you what I ordered from her. I'm definitely going to be a regular customer, I know SO many girls who would adore her work!
*Jennifer, don't you think Phuong will be in love with Eki's Headbands!! You know Phuong and her adoration for everything cute! We should double team her with cute headbands for her birthday!
I'm definitely ordering for my boyfriend's sisters too, especially Van. She loves cute things! Who can blames her? ;)
SNEAK PEAK OF Made By Eki With Love's beautiful work,
What great gifts they make as a "Just Because Gift" or Birthday Gift!! Or Thank You Gift!
What I did was I emailed Eki, paid her x amount of dollars, and told her to pick the pieces for me ^_~ I LOVE SURPRISES!
I encourage you to check out her master pieces!
Eki for DSK Jewelry pieces coming soon!
I can't wait to see what designs we come up with ^^
She's so creative!
Big Sister Out!
Congrats yet again on Graduation! You must be sick of me telling you that! LOL!
ReplyDeleteSTARTREK was the SHIT right?! LOL! I'm a semi-Trekkie & I loved it!! I've seen it twice now! LOL! But hey my BF who is not a big StarTrek person loves it too!! :)
I'm glad you & Minh are spending oodles of time together!! :) At the casinos AGAIN! LOL!
How sweet of you to hook the AT&T guy up! You sooo welcome on the lotion! I'm glad it's being put to good use! Even if it's just sniffing!
Congrats to your sister as well! THose are very high accomplishments!
Oooh A surprise box?! Like those Surprise Bags @ Sanrio?! Can't wait!
What a great post! Thanks for doing the questionaire tag, I learned a little more about you :D We don't have a Cosco around here but my family always shops at Sam's Club--you get bulk items for cheap, yaay xD Aww, your grandma helps you with your jewelry, that's awesome! You have an impressive little sister haha and you pick on her cos she's (I'm assuming) a perfectionist lol xD Congrats to you and congrats to her! I miss you!!! Oh, there's going to be a collaboration with Eki?? How exciting! Can't wait when that comes out!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS!!! omigosh i'm so jealous!! haha i have to stay in school for another semester cus i effed up ='[ but your bf story is sooo cute! i love guys who do anything for their girls <3 hehe i lovee sparkly flip flops! oh btw...email me your address...you know just in case..haha my email is on my blog <3 ok loveee take careee <33
ReplyDeleteaghh steph! that post was LONGGG =P but well worth the read! Since I haven't heard from you in a while...well I've talked to you through AIM but its always nice to hear more about everyday happenings through your blog! Since sometimes you're busy making jewelry for the lovely ladies!!! =P hehe
ReplyDeleteMAN Eki is SOOO talented! Just like all the other beauty bloggers out there! Like GEEZ. I need to save some money >_< and start making things too haha =) I want to use all that creativity thats flowing around in my head!
I hate heels too >_< But they make you look so sexy! LOL sometimes when I wear heels I bug Chris to massage my feet after wards hahaha he doesn't mind...Since I told him that I was wearing it for him! lol
OHh surprise boxes!?!? that should be interesting!
Also I hope you feel better!!! >_< That sounds like something really bad. You SHOULDN'T be going out!
Also try to convince my boyfriend to get his eyebrows threaded also! muahah <3
I think my eyes are getting smaller too...bah to gaining weight! >_< This semester has been such a drag. sigh. So I eat to feel better BLAH!
Mmm I love mushrooms! and what an interesting way to eat it o_O
Lol this comment is gonna be LONG since you wrote so much!!! Congrats to your sister! WOW harvard and yale?!?! dang!
It runs in your family! You guys are all meant to be successful! hehe
And you really do look like your daddy! I don't know who I look like hrmmm you look really nice in your GREEN gown lol <3 LOVE YOU!
oohh eki creation will look really cute on you ;)
ReplyDeletethe rose look so pretty!! your bf is v sweet !
That was a loooong post!Haha I love how every small question gives you the chance to talk about a million!
ReplyDeleteSo much to comment, I'm getting confused!
I just got a credit card ( my first!) and someone's ordering DSK jewellery soon!!DSK expanding to Greece!( you ship international right?)
congrats again!
ReplyDeleteall eki's creations are pretty.
the roses are so beautiful!
Congratulations on graduating!!
ReplyDeleteI'm new to the blogging world but I love your jewelry and your make up. Have fun on your 3 months off! I actually have to go study for my finals now =)
Congrats on your graduation!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI failed at wearing heels this weekend...I had them on for my friends wedding ceremony and the intro to the reception then I switches to flip flops..lol
I love rollerblading!! Damn it's been a WHILE since I've done it...I always keep a pair in my car..I need to start it again!!
I pick Costco...some of the locations sell MAC. ;)
Congrats! The flowers are so pretty.
ReplyDeleteI still need to learn how to swim too!
Congrats on graduating!!!!!! Muah!
ReplyDeleteERM, I have no idea what a Sam's Club or Costco is hahaha
The Vera Wang roses are beautyful!!! heee
You're back!! You've been missing! :[ Eki for DSk Jewelry!! OMG, so exciting!! *shivers*
ReplyDeleteyoure back! :D your kitty is so cute! its kind of fat and i like that! i saw star trek too! i thought it was pretty interesting and funny :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! You are the right gal to talk to about roller blades. I am glad I read your tag! Do you mind referring me to a site to buy rollerblades, I was told Walmart and Target are the not they way to go. lmao. very true. Thanks!btw, i love your jewelry
ReplyDeleteAwww, grad pics! :D :D
ReplyDeletePretty pretty roses and LOL @ you and Minh not being able to find the note LOL.
Can't wait to see what Eki makes you!
congrats on graduating!!! aww i wish i was graduatin galready =[ and i like costco wayy better to! LOL they're pizza and food is better too! HAHAH
ReplyDeleteAhahahaha did you really just give a shout-out to my cottage? "Except for Whitney aka Nonners aka Mrs. Cleanest" Ahahaha. COME VISIT ME WHEN I GET HOME FROM RUSSIA, MY MOM IS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!
ReplyDeleteI wore heels during graduation! And to the bar later... except for on the way home from the bar I walked barefoot... back to an exes apartment. I make good life choices.
I will teach you how to swim in Lake MI this summer! Let's do it! I'll even let you eat all of my mushrooms whenever we see each other.
woohoooo graduation :DD those roses are SUPER PRETTYYY! and i love your dream house, DAMN i would come visit like.. every month. ahaha.
ReplyDeletehappy graduation my dear!
ReplyDeleteim a costco girl :)
wow vera wang roses? i didn't know she did that too haha..but i guess it makes sense XD
ReplyDeletecongrats on your grad again!
i'd totally pick costco, just cuz sam's club apparently closed down in toronto and there's only costco in seoul hehe
i love reading long posts like this, i got to know you a lot better ;-)
ReplyDeleteyay, 3 months of blogging!! wooohooo! that means more posts from ya!
i tagged u LOL wow congratsssssssssssss i love the color of ur cap and gown
ReplyDeleteOMGGG i love youuuu. lol. i havent even finished reading this post yet but i was so excited that i had so many shout outs and "fave model" *blushes* lol. maybe someday i will for real....but idk im old. LOL.
ReplyDeleteand tyson and tanner nurczyk! wooo! did you forget about rupert? lol. i have no pics up of him...hes...anti social. lol. not like my other cats (hes half siamese (but looks tiger) so i think thats where the problem is...he talks a lot too. :o\
anyway...now im gonna go back to reading ur post. youre the best.
: D
OMGGG i went to sephora today. i NEED TO GET THE NARS RATED R EYESHADOW DUO...or ill die.
lmao. i literally laughed out loud for like 45 seconds about the FOB-ness LOL.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people are sick right now. Strep is going around.. my co-worker's friend just got admitted to ICU o.O
ReplyDeleteSo sweet of you to give away your necklaces to that AT&T tech's family! =)
I can't swim either!!! I've learned twice in my life and I cannot tread water for the life of me!
That house really is gorgeous! I love how grand it looks, and it's not just a simple square or rectangle shape!
<3 Costco's diamonds rings too! hahaha. I think the one I want is one of those old fashion ones with a huge rock in the middle, with a bunch of smaller ones around, and on the setting. It's like $30k+ hahaha
Awww poor Minh and his inferior roses! hahhaa
congrats on graduating! those headbands are really cute too!
ReplyDeleteWHOA! That was a MEGA POST! Congrats first on graduation, you look great--I wear flip flops whenever I have the chance!
ReplyDeleteMinh is such a cutie for getting you those roses.
I totally agree about the Crackberry! Jamal has an iPhone...I'm on blogger on the desktop in his study, and he sends me an email from the family room, where his brother is ALSO on his MAC and they're watching TV....!
hey steph, do you make lariat style necklaces? or y-shaped things? I was bored the other day and i connected my bracelet to my necklace and it looked hot. so umm, do you make them?
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you and your sister! btw, I love your sparkly flipflops from target ;)
ReplyDeleteAww I love this post!!
ReplyDeleteYesss I agree with you I should not be buying make up either!! That is the last purchase I promise!! BUT I do need a sunscreen for my holiday!! OH!!
I know I'm pretty late on this (well..actually no bc i remember saying this to you in your cbox when you announced it before! hehe) but...CONGRATS ON GRADUATING~!! Now, you get to relax and chill like a villain for 3 months of summer...and then the job hunting begins? xD your family must be so proud and i'm proud of you too! college is a toughy--no joke! and your little sister is so smart! you must be super proud and beaming! :P Eki's headbands ARE cutee!!! a DSK & Eki collab...i wonder what's in store!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on graduating! That's major!
ReplyDeleteBTW, I love that you used the word FOB multiple times in your post. Pwhahaha!