I have had a lot of freedom since I graduated from college.. I feel a lil lazy, and now you will see why...I'm not happy with my productivity level! I need something more..I hate wasting time!!
I'm definitely not the sit and flip through TV channels kind of person..and I don't want to become a couch potatoe..i.e. like Minh! haha jk..but only sometimes..I'd rather be chatting online, lol

My Current Daily:
10:30-11AM Wake Up
12:30-1PM Wait for the mail to arrive
1-1:30PM Drive about 5 minutes to my "Santa's Workshop"
1:30-4:30PM Make Jewelry, Answer E-mails, Chat with my daily AIM buddies
4:30-5PM Drive over to the Post Office, chit chat with the ladies there
5:30-6:30 Dinner (out or at home)
7PM Rollerblade (not really a daily thing but I try to get out on the trail)
8PM-2AM Free Time!
What My Daily Needs to Look Like:
8-9AM Wake Up!
9-10AM Rollerblade/Run/ANYTHING BUT SLEEP!
12PM Healthy Lunch (as in pack my own!..NO eating out anymore!)
1 PM- 6PM Work Work Work Organize Organize Organize! Network, Network, Network
7PM Rollerblade!!
8PM Read Twilight...Catch up on fashion magazines..Organize my clothes..(sell off stuff I don't wear...), Do my nails! Organize makeup..., Clean my car! Lift weights..., Play with my dog and cat, throw in Michael Buble or Josh Groban in concert, burn CD's for my friends...go to Target, Walmart, Sam's Club, Meijer...lol Check..perezhilton.com, thesuperficial.com, hollywoodgrind.com..
DSK Loves Holly Ann-Aeree!
Holly & I worked together to present to everyone the Swarovski Baroque Gold Necklaces.
Holly randomly text me and told me that I need to make her one of these necklaces..kind of like how she bullied me into doing gold stuff when I didn't want to!! But it's ok, because she's a G.
If anyone wants to order either of these, please e-mail me: DSKJewelry@gmail.com
and drop Holly a line on her blog..lol she gets so excited if someone buys one of these, lol she's a dork, but a super attractive one at that, haha ^_~
For those of you who don't know Holly, meet Holly! & Hello Kitty, lmaoo
Holly don't kill me, but you were wearing DSK in this pic, just gotta rep the DSK ya kno ;)

Meet my bff Holly Ann-Aeree
(if you don't already know her!)
She's my main DSK Jewelry Model, and I love her to pieces!!
(this is my favorite pic of her, so I felt the need to exploit her to EVERYONE)
Follow her on blogspot, www.hollyannaeree.blogspot.com
She's on youtube too! www.youtube.com/hollyannaeree
She's a big myspace person (unlike myself, lol) www.myspace.com/hollyannaeree

Holly's Ed Hardy BAD ASS Tattoo Look, puahaha
She did this at 3AM, we were chatting on AIM ideas for a photo shoot with DSK Jewelry
She has on the DSK Piece,

Large & In Charge 18mm Clear AB Heart on Gold
-18" 18K Gold Plated

DSK Signature Swarvoski Clear AB 14mm Crystal Heart
16" Italian Sterling Silver Chain Holly added her own cupcake charm on there (that's the pink charm on there)
charm on there)

MAC lipstick St. Germain!
I love how Holly matched her wardrobe.... :P

Her title for this pic was "Does anyone need a tutor?"
My reply was " YES! I need a makeup tutor! Tutorial Plz!"

We're also repromoting Holly's original request (& DSK first gold piece EVER), and I made for Holly =^_^= (cute cat face)

Holly's Starfish Moon
-Golden Shadow Starfish
-Light Amethyst Moon
-18" 18K Gold Plated Chain
Shout out to Holly!! Even though I'm chatting with you right now :P

OMG @ your 8PM LOL!
ReplyDeleteI need to start waking up BEFORE 1PM, its just so hard when its hot and theres really no reason to wake up so early lol.
ddddamn, now i want one!
ReplyDeletei want a holly too ;)
ddddamn, now i want one!
ReplyDeletei want a holly too ;)
Does Holly come with the necklace? If so I'll take everything, hahahaaha.
ReplyDeletei'm with fuzkittie.
ReplyDeletehaha! i love fuz's comment!
ReplyDeletei wish i could wake up at 10 everyday! waking up at 630 sucks.
OMGGG you guys are soo funny! LMAO. stephyy i love ur stalker love. lol.
ReplyDeleteNow if those HK pics don't sell DSK.... I don't know what will!! Cuz that's just HAWT!! Seeexxxxy!! Seriously that's how you should advertise DSK to the male population so they want to buy for their GFs! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYou and Holly always come up with the great collabo designs!! My wishlist just keeps getting bigger!
Now if those HK pics don't sell DSK.... I don't know what will!! Cuz that's just HAWT!! Seeexxxxy!! Seriously that's how you should advertise DSK to the male population so they want to buy for their GFs! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYou and Holly always come up with the great collabo designs!! My wishlist just keeps getting bigger!
LOLZ! I'm working European hours in India, so my shedule is more like your first one, except that I have to work from 1 PM to 10:30 pm!!
ReplyDeleteYou Holly are a great team...love the designs!
Steph! I received the package. OMG thank you so much for the Aquafina Lip Balm, like you said its the bomb diggity! I love it. The quad and the sumptuous olive e/s, Im so happy I finally have it now. Its so gorgeous! Thanks a bunch steph!