As you can see, it does not "fan" out (spread out) my lashes as the YSL mascara does ever so kindly. The Definicils is definitely a beautiful black (noir), but so is the YSL. I feel that it has a tendency to clump the lashes together. Mascara of choice really depends on what kind of look you're going for on a particular day. Definicils is flexible, but not as flexible as YSL. Definicils is also very drying on the lashes. You can feel the stiffness/flakeyness at the end of the day (right now as I blog at 1:45AM).
The price tag on the Lancome Definicils Pro Mascara is $24.50
YSL Faux Cils Mascara is $30
For a couple bucks more, I personally feel that you get more "bang for your buck" if you buy the YSL.
Out of all the Lancome mascaras (I've tried most of them, I feel that the "original" Definicils is the best).

To remind you of what the YSL Faux Cils looks like on my natural lashes,

I'm still wearing the same pair of contacts. I need to open a new pair and change it up!
I feel so boring when I do not rotate things. I have the tendency of wearing the same clothes over and over...b/c they just came out from the dryer and into my laundry basket. lol
I barely ever reach into my closet unless it's a special occasion...b/c I'm that lazy!

I think I will be able to convert her to my new holy grail "HG" mascara, YSL Faux Cils.
If only they came buy 1, get 1 free, life would be better than it is right now.
And Now The Sad News
My Aunt arrived tonight to Seattle from Michigan (she lives half the year in Paris and half in Michigan) at 8:09pm. She said to us (Minh and I) that the whole purpose of her visit is to spoil us. She's such a sweet old lady, but completely health obsessed and kept telling us not to eat things with MSG in it. lol We went to dinner in Chinatown. I just had to take her to Honey Court where they have such wonderful peking duck, honey walnut prawns, and other tasty dishes. They gave us a complimentary soup...and my aunt goes (in Viet) to the waitress as she's serving us soup..."is there MSG in this soup?" The waitress said...yes...and then quickly left our table lol.. and my Aunt gave her a mean look. Minh and I were SO EMBARRASSED. Little Viet lady...we took you to CHINATOWN for dinner..of course there's going to be at least some MSG in the food!
It's my Aunt's first time visiting Seattle...and I was telling her...be nice!
Everyone here is super friendly! Plus, the soup was free! The waitress was just being nice because she saw that we were Viet!
But just as we were walking to our car... I get a phone call from my Mom who's in Boston right now around 9:40pm Seattle time.
She told me my Grandpa, Ong Noi (Dad's Dad) in California had just passed away around 9:24pm California time.
My Grandpa had been in and out of the hospital these past 2 years, and he passed away from old age. He had suffered from dementia (which is similar to Alzheimer's disease) for years prior. The last time I saw my Grandpa was March of last year when my Grandma, Ba Noi, his wife passed away. Grandma's death was the first death in the family. I was only 21 years old, almost 22. It may sound weird but I was asked to tape my Grandma Ba Noi's funeral and with the help of Minh created a DVD of her whole funeral, from day 1 to day 3. I made copies of the DVD and it was sent to those who were not able to attend, such as those in Vietnam.
Now I'm 23, and I just lost my Ong Noi. I feel that one part of growing up is losing loved ones. You know that day will come, but you don't really know what it feels like until that day arrives.
Your emotions don't fully slap you in the face until a few hours after...after you really just spend all your time thinking about your loved one. It makes me wonder what's after death.
I grew up in a Buddhist family, and my sister and I are not religious.
It's kind of puts you in a weird place when you don't know what's next.
I just reflect on all the times I saw my Grandpa. It wasn't often because we lived far away. We could only visit him once or twice a year. But we did spend a 3 fun months with my Grandma and Grandpa in California when I was 5 years old.
I remember clearly the last real conversation I had with both Ong Noi and Ba Noi was over the phone when I was in about to graduate from high school. They asked me what I wanted to study, and I said business. I remember them not liking the idea of me studying business! lol
Viet Grandparents, gotta love them. They probably only wanted to hear medical doctor.
I still pursued business in college, and proved myself. I just wish their memory of me didn't fade so soon. It was sad when he got dementia and didn't know who we were anymore.
The last time I was in California,
I just remember Grandpa sitting across from me in his blue pajamas with his snow white hair just mumbling to himself and smiling at random. I remember I just kept looking at him & his nose; everyone says out of all his Grandchildren, I take after him the most.
I got his big Asian frame, nose, and ears. I remember showing Minh my Grandpa's picture and he definitely saw the similarities. I think Grandpa's nose is the biggest, then my dad and uncles, then me and my sisters! I must be proud of my family's signature big round nose!

They always say I should have been a boy since I'm my Dad's oldest, and my Dad is Grandpa's oldest son.
My Grandpa does not officially have any male Grandchildren that will carry his last name, "Nguyen Khoa." We have a double last name. "Khoa" is the "K" in DSK

We were having fun on the swing at my Grandpa's neighbor Cherry's house.
I still keep in touch with Cherry, she's my pen pal for the past 18 years.
She's a very friendly, animal loving lady.
I guess that's something that you never knew about me. I have had a pen pal for the last 18 years. I saw her last when I was 5 years old and we still keep in touch.
I had such a wonderful summer that year staying with Grandma and Grandpa. It's still so memorable to this very day. I lost a tooth on that red swing set, I learned to ride a bike, I discovered what snails were...and I almost drowned in their community pool 0_0. I was knocked out! ..underwater...until Grandpa and his neighbor saved me.
Ong Noi used to jog everyday when I was 5 years old. He would take my little 9 month old little sister Julia (pictured above) in a stroller and go running with her around their neighborhood in Southern California. lol
Maybe that's why Julia is a runner! That just came to me. Julia did you ever think about that?
I obviously did not get that trait...but at least one of us did :D
My Grandpa was close to 6 foot tall, that's really tall for a Vietnamese man.
My Dad is also his first born son so he will have a more important role at Grandpa's funeral procession. Vietnamese Funerals are quite interesting. The funeral itself is about 3 days long. And I think it is believed that the spirit or soul does not move on until after 100 days. I also recall that the spirit of the person who had just passed would bring luck to their loved ones and family. I honestly believe my Grandma has brought me a lot of good fortune even through this year of the Tiger.
I did a research project on Vietnamese Funerals while I was in college because I was so curious in knowing more than what my Mom or relatives would tell me. It seems as if many Vietnamese are very superstitious and follows a distinct set of procedure during a funeral. The immediate family wears white gowns, and relatives and Grandchildren tie a white pieces of cloth over their forehead. Almost like a bandanna.
I would show you photos, but I don't think anyone really wants to see that here. But I know you can google "Vietnamese Funeral Procession" and you will see what I'm referring to with the white gowns and white bandanna.
The odd thing about Grandpa's passing is the fact that he opened his eyes and talked yesterday (last night) after not being awake for the past week. They all predicted that he would pass away the way he had been, asleep. My Mom told me that my Dad was able to talk to him a few hours before his passing tonight.
My Mom and Aunt both told me tonight that it usually happens before someone passes away. It is rumored that they wake up to say their goodbyes and be at peace. It's so sad and I can't help but tear up telling you this.
My Mom, Dad, and sister are all in Cambridge moving my sister into her Harvard dorm room (all the way on the East Coast). My little sister starts her life as a college freshman this coming week, and my parents and her just arrived the other day. I tremble just thinking about how sad everyone is right now in the family.
We are just waiting for our family in California to let us know what's going on with his funeral arrangement. I most likely will be out of town next week. I'll will talk to you all soon.
I appreciate your visit. I thank you for listening. Sometimes I just rather type everything out than talk to someone. I don't like to let other see me teary and sad.
As all things come to an end like this blog post.... thank you so much bloggers, blogspot, and the blog community. I will be back soon.
RIP Ong Noi, I'll think of you every time I look at my nose and ears.

I'm not really sure what to say.. other than I'm sorry for your loss. My condolences to your family.
ReplyDeleteHey Steph, I can totally understand what you're going through right now. My grandfather passed away in April this year and it was also quite difficult for my family. My grandfather was battling cancer for 5-6 years and though those years he became more fragile. He needed someone to help him do everything on a day to day basis, and eventually he would just sit in his wheelchair and watch us chat away with family members. He was in the hospital when he passed away because all his bodily functions were failing. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I understand what you're going through and that I know you will get through this. Even though this sad event has occurred to your family, your grandfather no longer has to suffer with his illness like mine did and that he is honestly in a better place now. I'm sorry if this response seems so long & scattered. I guess what I'm trying to say is my condolences for your family & your loss.
ReplyDeleteOh Steph I'm so sorry for your loss. I know about the shock at first, I didn't cry super hard until the day after my dad passed away. It didn't hit me until later.
ReplyDeletePlease don't forget to take care of yourself while you grieve (sometimes you can forget to eat!) and I'll be thinking of you. ♥
Hey Steph, I just finished reading your post - I am praying for you and your family right now :) *hug!* Thank you for sharing your story about your grandfather - it makes me really wonder about my maternal grandparents who are living in the Philippines and I last saw them 5 summers ago... But always remember that the people that we have lost and will lose later on in life are never really gone - they will always be there in your heart :)
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you! xoxo <3
Your family is in my prayers honey. Its terrible to lose a loved one. Your grandfather will always be with you in spirit, and in your heart! You will be in my thoughts. Love you.
ReplyDeleteOh steph!!! I'm so sorry for your loss! :( you and your family will be in my prayers...it's beyond tough losing people you love. Hang in there girl!
ReplyDeleteim so sorry for your loss :( and thank you for posting on the ysl mascara will def be checking that out! xo sending lots of love your way
ReplyDeleteCondolences to your family. I also want to thank you for sharing everything in this post. Have a safe flight to California.
ReplyDeleteYou got me sold on the YSL mascara! I was just searching for one and glad I came across your post, thanks Steph! : )
My Prayers & condolences to your family Steph. Losing a loved one is never easy. You know that I just went through the same thing, & I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Be strong and know that he'll always live on in your heart and memories! *HUGS*
ReplyDeleteMy prayers go out to you and your family Steph. It must be so hard, but you are brave and strong and your family will be able to cope. I remember losing one of my Grandpas when I was 6 yrs old and I still miss him. Sending my condolences and lots of *hugs*.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear of your loss Steph. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteHope you are okay, so sorry to hear the sad news:(..
ReplyDeleteyour eyes look beautiful, hope to hear from u soon and be strong xx
Steph, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are doing well. Also, I've sent you an e-mail in reply to your comment in the other post.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry for your loss, you may not know me but my prayers will be with you through this time. Be strong and condolences to your family.
Steph, your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers. I lost my great grandmother some years ago and her and I are twins in every way, I don't really look like anyone (except for our trademark nose). I know how hard it is to lose a family member, it doesn't get easier the older you get in my opinion. xoxo
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I appreciated you sharing some of the Vietnamese customs; it helps me understand. Please be sure to take care of yourself and do not drive alone for a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteSteph, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I hope that you find solace in remembering all your good times together.
ReplyDeleteThat was such a touching post. May god be with him, you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI think the Chinese (or at least my family) believe that the spirit doesn't move on until 100 days too. My grandfather passed when I was 18 and all my friends were having their 18th birthday balls back in high school, and I didn't go to any of them out of respect for him.
Stay strong Steph!
And oooo, I might check out the YSL Mascara, your lashes look hot! x
Thanks for the helpful reply through email :)
ReplyDeleteI got a call two days ago from my family in cali saying that my grandfather would likely pass within a week or two so i'm getting ready to go see him. I'm sorry for your loss but i'm glad to see you had great memories with him.
Awww Steph *hugs*... I lost my grandma last year and I didn't know what do with myself b/c it was the 1st death in my immediate family.
ReplyDeleteWhat does the soul do for 100 days?? I'm being serious. Do y'all believe that they are tieing up loose ends and bringing luck to the family? You don't have to answer me I'm curious. I find all cultures and religions fascinating. I went to a Catholic HS but as a requirement we took World Religions ever since that class I'm all up in other ppl's believes.