Thank you!
I used my Diorskin Shimmer Powder 002 today. It was just a nice added touch of shimmer right above my blush. I don't really use shimmer powders anymore. I used to everyday in college. I don't really see the need for them. Anything shimmer really shows off the imperfections in your skin (in real life)because it catches the light drawing more attention to any blemishes on your skin. Highlights really flatter your makeup in photos : )
I still like my Dior shimmer powder : ) I like to look at it! It's so pretty!
As most Dior cosmetics, this shimmer powder came with a velvet pouch...since all the pouches look alike ..it gets a little tricky to look for the right item! This shimmer powder is in the same compare as the Dior eye shadows.
How was everyone's weekend? Minh and I are watching public TV :D haha we love to watch whatever is on at the moment : ) We live like an old couple and I'm completely content!
Have a great evening everyone! -Steph : )
oOoooo very pretty :D
ReplyDeleteI wanted to try this product because so many people have been raving about it, but i don't even use highlighters that much so it would be a waste..but it's so pretty
AH! What a gorgeous DIOR shimmer powder! Absolutely gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteIs this one of the items you got in your Sephora haul??
I love how you said "public tv" -- does that mean like regular cable? You are too funny! :) I am always watching Law and Order SVU-- it is always on USA and as a matter of fact, it is on right now! haha
Do you or Minh watch that show? I know with most professions, when a fiction show is about a certain field (such as law), real people in that profession, lawyer in the case of Minh, hate to watch shows like that because of all of the errors etc. they find! I once had a professor who said she watches and will point out all of the errors! haha
I hope you had a good weekend! I saw on twitter that Julia's flight got delayed/ cancelled! Will she be able to make it home-- sucky weather and storms everywhere right now!!
Aww, that's sweet that you guys can just sit back and spend some quality time together..even if it's watching public television. =D
ReplyDeleteLots of people can pull of those shimmery blush/highlighters but it doesn't work for me..no matter how lightly I put on. It just makes me look like I'm an oily mess. Lol.
PS5 <3 I love Adobe.
Ohhhhh so pretty :) especially the packaging!
ReplyDeleteThis is my favourite highlight powder! I agree that all shimmer powders have a tendency to draw the eye to imperfections, however in photos, this gives such a nice touch.
@elleovely :) glad you like it! I need to make an effort to use it more often. It's such a nice smooth shimmer powder
ReplyDelete@Pearls&Politics I've had this Dior Shimmer for a while, it's quite old actually :) We watch the public TV station actually, PBS.
ReplyDeleteMinh loves Law & Order!
I've heard good reviews on Dior's Shimmer Powder too but, when I tried it on at my local Sephora, I looked like a lightbulb! -_- (I'm hearing the xmas song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"..."like a lightbulb") Eventually, I found another cheapy Target brand that actually goes on faintly but has just enough shimmer to 'highlight' and not make your upper cheeks 'flashlights'. I've hit pan and it's time to replenish again.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, how nice would it be to actually enjoy quiet TV time cuddling with hubby. Haven't been able to do that since the other love of my life came along...Baby Nicholas! Now, it's more fun family time every weekend! Enjoy the time with each other because life and time with each other is precious.
Have a good one!
pretty! I love dior packaging! I agree, shimmer powders do accent imperfections and I tend to save them for nighttime cause I always worry I reflect too much lol.
ReplyDeleteare you guys finished with trueblood now? :) I'm so excited for the new season!
cool stuff~ :D
ReplyDelete~Buy WoW DeathKnight~
How does this product compare to a MAC MSF? It must be pricier!
ReplyDeleteMy weekend was a busy one...I worked the entire weekend and went shopping.
I love the packaging! It looks so luxurious especially the CD logo :) Do you think shimmer can use for older people?
ReplyDeleteI watched movie Narnia with my hubby on weekend :)
awww that's when you know you've got something real, when you can be an "old" couple together just not doing anything and be content! I love that. I became a huge homebody in my last relationship and I was fine with that. So done with the club scene, it's good to go out with the girls once in a while but I can't keep up with the "kiddies" hehehe.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea shimmery makeup shows off skin imperfections. that's what draws my eyes to them cuz it's so pretty but now i know to stay away from shimmers. I love that Dior palette!!
I bought a whole bunch of petsmart toys and food, can't wait to drop it off this week!
Love the new watermark, so cute! I don't watermark my photos, do you think I should? My husband and I live like an old couple sometimes too, it's a good thing, it means you and Minh are contect with just being together and don't need a bunch of stuff going on to make you happy.
ReplyDeleteThe water mark was the first thing i noticed, hah.
ReplyDeleteBut that is so pretty~
I rather like the outside of the case . . . very dramatic.
Nice, nice!!
ReplyDeleteYEa, I noticed that part about the shimmers highlighting the imperfections. That's why I don't really use it unless there's a really natural one that looks like I'm glowing ^^
Love the new watermark!! I'm even more of a n00b at PS. I have CS4 but I haven't touched it once!
i like your new watermark, is very pretty.
ReplyDeleteAnd the shimmer powder by Dior should be very nice on the skin.
This weekend I had a great time with my family, I hope yours was also fantastic. thanks
Cute colors : )
ReplyDeleteIt's so pretty (the watermark). I like how it's purple too :D I've been trying to figure out how I can just make one and put it on each photo without having to type it 100 times. Arghhhhhhh. I'll ask my bf? LOL
ReplyDeleteI haven't really found a need for shimmer powders. I should've used them in high school - I used to love taking pics of myself. LOLLL I don't really take that many photos of myself anymore, other than for outfit posts. I've tried them at Sephora though and it just makes my face too bright for my liking..especially with their lighting. -_-
I spent the weekend studying. *sigh* On Friday, my boyfriend gave me a huge surprise for Christmas/my birthday, but I'm waiting til I open all my gifts to do a big "Christmas haul" post. haha So stay tuned. ; ) I have two exams left (Wed & Thurs)..totally sucks. Argh.
xx The Little Dust Princess
I've been hearing so many good things about Dior makeup but never tried before. I have a couple of the Bobbi Brown shimmerbricks that I don't use anymore. You're right, the shimmer doesn't seem so flatter on the face. I don't mind wearing shimmer e/s on the eyes though.
ReplyDeleteHow's the weather in Seattle? We got delayed 3.5 hours at LAX yesterday because our plane was on its way from Seattle and it was running super late. I think it had something to do with the weather there. We were miserable at the airport!! :(
That is such a nice palette I agree about the shimmer showing skin problems does Dior make up ever cause breakouts I usually use Chanel cuz it doesn't bother my skin
ReplyDeleteThe shimmer powder looks so beautiful! Why are their colors always the prettiest!!? :D Are you a huge fan of Dior cosmetics? I really love their lip glosses...they're really nice!! I hardly use mine because I love them so much :p I have a lot of sun spots on my cheek bone area, so whenever I add any shimmer, it's way noticeable, lol :p But I agree, they look so pretty in photos! :)
ReplyDeleteThe watermarks look super cute!!! I like to randomly just turn on the tv as well and watch whatever's on. haha! It's relaxing and peaceful. The shimmer powder looks like the perfect amount of shimmer. I love anything shimmery, but not too over the top!!! xD
ReplyDeleteThe new watermark suits your dsk logo and your name in general well. I like it!
ReplyDeleteI like shimmery powder in general just because it really shows off the color and it makes you glow in pictures and highlights your cheek bones.
My weekend went by quick, but it was good. Oh rainy Washington, makes me just want to cuddle in bed turn on the heater and snooze until the sun pops out!
Did you and Minh do anything special for his birthday? Hope all is well, happy monday.
*Oh yeah, and I finally got a new laptop, so I can finally comment on your new post now. You always share good stuff, so I'm up to comment on new blog post! :D
Sometimes I feel like public TV is better than cable because in cable they pass the same thing ove and over and it get old.
ReplyDeletelol your posts are so cute!
ReplyDelete" We live like an old couple and I'm completely content!"!!
my neighbor has been blocking me from his internet a lot lately (lol get with the giving season man!) but the only good part is catching up on all my blogs ;)
I totally dislike anything shimmery on my face other than eyeshadows and lippies. It just makes my fatness look, well, fatter. Lol if that makes any sense.
ReplyDeleteSometime public TV is entertaining. I need to catch up on Bones now hehe. Haven't kept up with it cuz of finals week :(
ReplyDeletei didnt even notice the CD mark on the dior case i had to check my shimmer powder to make sure i had one lol do u think these r comparable to bobbie browns shimmer bricks? or laura merciers?
ReplyDeletevery pretty product! I actually rarely use shimmer powders because I honestly do not know how to use then correctly. Will have to try to use them and learn how to.
ReplyDeleteAhh, the powder looks so pretty. Love Dior's packaging!
ReplyDeleteI've thinking of trying shimmer powders, but I always get scared away from them, because my skin tends to get kinda oily... Shimmer + oil = disaster, I think. :D
My weekend was SO busy - spent most of my time studying for my exam, which was today. I think it paid off. :) I didn't even have time to think about Christmas, but now I'm growing more and more excited about it!
I have this stuff too and I get compliments EVERY time I wear it. I have pretty fair skin so it's AWESOME on my skin!
ReplyDeleteThis powder is really pretty. I haven't tried shimmer over my blush before...u just gave me a good idea. Was that from your recent haul?
ReplyDeleteI used to really be into shimmer blushes but ever since I tried the r&r bedroom, I've really been into matte.. I hardly use highlight but this palette looks so pretty! If I owned it, I'll probally not want to dip my brush in it =P
ReplyDeleteI've heard many people use Dior products but I've only used the perfume LOL guess they make really nice makeup too! (:
ReplyDeletemy weekend was pretty fun! went down to NYC to meet up with my college friends i haven't seen since this past summer :) also got to celebrate my belated birthday! hehehe seeing and hanging with my college friends makes me really miss my college life >.<
anyways Hope you and Minh enjoyed a nice evening too!
That shimmer powder is gorgeous! I used to love to pack that kind of powder on. Now-a-days I dont even want to wear foundation. Its funny how things change. :) The watermark is very nice, I have no clue how to use PS, I need to add that on to my "to-do list of 2011". Minh did a great job on it.
ReplyDeleteCool I need to watermark my photos also. I need to get PS5! I'm loving that Diorskin shimmer powder!
ReplyDeleteMy weekend was pretty boring, it was too cold to go out.
Have a Merry Christmas!
hey Steph, question for you...maybe a stupid question but what is a blog sale? I've seen the term used before and assumed it was people selling their used stuff but I see you have some new stuff too.
ReplyDeletesuch a pretty powder but im brown and would probably look like a person who talks people she can only see if i tried to wear it
ReplyDeleteooo having an automated script for watermarking is SO nice.. i can't live without being a photographer with a blog :D haha.