Hey ladies,
I haven't been motivated these past few days to wear a lot of makeup..or even really dry and brush my hair... I don't know why I'm down with lazy fever.
I did take pictures of my new LV Gamble Necklace, I really like it.
Can't wait to wear it for luck the next time I roll the dice.
I did take pictures of my new LV Gamble Necklace, I really like it.
Can't wait to wear it for luck the next time I roll the dice.
My first pair were the Monogram Heart Earrings in the Purple Enamel...and then they decided to release a pink version. The nerve! Good think purple is my favorite color..but then again..I like pink too. Who doesn't?!
Their fashion jewelry is hard to shop for in stores, they have random pieces at random stores. I dislike the hunt & find game.
It's now $405 on the website but currently sold out. LV is weird I tell ya..they raise and lower their prices every blue moon. I remember the first time I noticed this was when Minh bought his wallet. We got it for $405 (Damier Graphite Multiple), and then when we went to Portland's LV store it was only $395. I stalk the website almost everyday so I notice price changes. Not that it matters..b/c I'm not buying but I like to browse the website for fun. I get excited every time there's a new main page ad.
In Arrow Law Group news, everything is running smoothly. They have all their furniture, and clients are starting to pour in. I have my own space, which I rarely even work in! I'm always in one of the guy's offices planning out my work, and chit chatting. I forgot what it's like to have someone to talk to during the 9-5 hours of the day. I spend more time in the office talking to Sam than I do with Minh. When Minh's in his suit, he's more of the "serious" leave me alone type. I don't get intimidated or anything, but I don't see him the same. He's one of those people who completely changes at work. Which is good, work is work, and being a goofball after 6pm is completely acceptable.
I'm kind of starting to feel weird not to be dressed up in the office (since I'm hidden in the back). The partners don't ask me to..but sometimes I get caught off guard and run into a client, or salesman, real estate agent, etc. I feel bad b/c I care a lot of about giving off a good impressions in the office for them even though I'm not affiliated.
I was so self conscious today that I didn't even want to go eat at a nice place for lunch b/c I felt out of place because they're both in suits. They both were like whatever, it's lunch! We went to Capital Grille since Sam's never been, and we had to have him try the truffle fries. It's still restaurant week so we're trying to hit up the nice places lol. I did love their carrot & ginger soup. It was SO good. Anyhow..I can see why most work places require a dress code. It makes me feel less important when I'm not wearing clothes on "their level." I guess I'll start dressing better when I go in..or just stay hidden and work. Oh, the self-esteem issues.
Sam on the other hand is more laid back than Minh at work. I know he'd rather be in jeans than a suit haha. Minh is Mr. I NEED A SUIT AND TIE OR I WILL DIE. Sam and I even walk next door to go shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It's kind of sweet that our building is attached to a nice BBB, it even sells toothpaste and contact solution! I hope I don't overspend time with both Minh and Sam.
We're all going to be part of each other's lives for the next few years by lease lol. 4 full years! If all this work out the way we plan, Minh and my child will marry Sam and his future wife's child. So we'll all be family. jk, but I did bring it up. And for some reason, they both gave me this weird look..hmm maybe guys don't think the same way we do, huh? :P
I can't help but love to weird out Minh, and Sam.
I took an interpersonal relationships course during college which I talked about before.
The author of the book, and also my former professor at MSU found my blog post about him, and sent me a signed copy of the updated edition last year. : )
My professor and his wife (also professor) are geniuses!
I loveee to use what I learned. Knowledge is power.
So..I suggest you read up on interpersonal relationship..it saves your life SO much drama.
It also explains why some girls get so attached to guys..when guys could care less about them..and treat them like trash...and how a girl should never break up with a guy..but to slowly make the guy dislike her and break up with her so he feels like he's in control..yada yada yada..I'm sure if a lot of women's lives would be saved..if they knew how crazy a man can get if she ever broke his heart. (I'm talking way too much about this right now, but I can't help it because it's a topic I could read and study for the rest of my life). I remember reading that a guy will go to extremes to try to win back a girl who broke his heart..by extremes I mean KILL her. It happened in my family..of course I've never met this relative..but she (my relative) broke up with her bf..he tried to win her back..she found someone else and was happy with life. The guy told her how much he loved her and just wanted to see her one last time..and so she did. He hugged her and they both blew up. Yeah..that stuff happens..
Anyhow..I might have to go back and delete that story later, not to creep anyone out.
But yeah. Also, emotional abuse, and domestic violence happens also when you marry the wrong person. Women should never marry men who loves her less than he loves her.
Women who marry men who don't love them as much usually always fail on her part (emotionally, etc).
The happiest relationships are in the ones where the man loves the woman more than she does for him. Love is never 100% equal. It's hard for you to probably believe me, but I'm just reciting what I learned about the balance of power.
THE MOST IMPORTANT: Women can learn to love (since we're nurturing, caring, etc by nature). Men cannot.
It's in your favor to play it safe (literally) lol and date and marry the nice guy, and not that "bad boy."
I drive Minh nuts most of the time when I talk about the balance of power. He's skeptic on 75% of factual knowledge that comes out of my mouth. He's has to witness it or learn it on his own time to believe it. It's the lawyer in him. Anyhow, I have a lot of pride issues, and I always fight to be dominant because I want our relationship to work! :D jk jk
But interpersonal relationship studies is very fascinating. If you have a chance to take it in college as an elective, I suggest you go for it. It has changed the way I see life, and has helped me get over any hurt feelings I've ever had.
But now back to..the guys at Arrow Law Group : )

Also, Minh recently started a blog where he writes about law related topics.
I really like the way he writes, I always have...and not saying that because we're together.
I hope his partners start writing on the blog as well. It's free knowledge!
They charge $250/hr if you prefer to hire them hourly. There are different ways law firms bill clients. I just really noticed it as of lately.
(Most Seattle attorneys charge $300/hr..or so others have informed us!) lol
I recall in Michigan, it's usually $250/hour for an attorney's time on certain cases.
Minh likes to total up my "bill" whenever he does work for DSK Jewelry. It's kind of annoying. It's like a joke, but not really ..making you feel like you owe them feeling...can't stand that!
Anyhow some cases are flat fee, for example Bankruptcy (ch. 7 around $1-2k), ch. 13 around $3-4k) per case/client. And the famous ch. 11 (what businesses file..start around $25k/case).
I should suggest to Minh to write about the different kind of Bankruptcies. I know you may already know the difference, but for those who don't know, I think it will be very beneficial for them.
We met this guy at the phone store who helped us (don't want to give too much detail), and he was telling us how he got in a car accident without insurance and now needs to file bankruptcy..he goes I need a Chapter 13 or something since he doesn't own a home, and doesn't make more than x amount in annual income. What he really is looking for is Chapter 7. Chapter 13 is for those who make over x amount in income, and are looking to reorganize their debts, and to save their homes.
Can you see why it might be lucrative to go to law school? My future kids are either going to be doctors or lawyers!!! (don't I sound like your typical Asian parent? well..I will be one someday!) jk. Kids, do what you want..just make it legal. ..haha as in not illegal not a legal career). :D
So anyways..whatever comes out of their minds when it comes to their fields of expertise, I indulge!
They don't just do bankruptcy, but Minh and one of the other partners has a lot of bankruptcy law experience, so they advertise that field more so than others. But they also handle personal injury, tenant/landlord disputes, property law, and so on. Each attorney working at the cases he knows best, which makes sense. I'm learning something new everyday in the office from the guys.
I've been decorating the office with lots of candy (it makes the office feel much more inviting in my opinion, plus visitors appreciate it!) and orchids. :D I'm still looking to gift them with some more plants! I walk over to their office almost everyday to catch lunch and / or dinner with the guys. There's actually 3 attorneys, but the 3rd, she only comes in on Saturdays.
I really like their partner because she has a passion for art, and really appreciates what I do. It makes me feel really good when someone like her praises me and gets excited when I tell her about this great bracelet I'm working on ^_^. She's also older than Sam (29)& Minh (27)..old enough to be their mom lol. She always thinks that's so funny.
I will most likely be having my jewelry on display at their office in the next month or so.
DSK pieces will definitely be on display in an artsy kind of way. Sam and I have been looking at different jewelry trees for the display. Everyone I know and their mom has been telling me about the cast iron jewelry tree from Costco. lol. I appreciate their thoughtfulness : ) It makes me feel loved!
Now that I have bored you with a lot of text.
I want to share a few items I think are just flat out gorgeous.
I don't think I will ever own them, but I can like them right?
Oh, the freedom of online browsing.

Leopard print is everywhere this Fall. I had the most amazing pair of leopard print flats that I bought for $5 in college. That's where my love for leopard print shoes kicked into gear.

It's definitely one of those shoes you like, but not on you. Do you know what I mean?
Sometimes, I find things I'm super attracted to, but I do not want them for myself.
If I had endless amounts of money, I'd buy all the things that catch my eyes for a model to wear. Wouldn't it enhance the aesthetics of society? Just weird thinking.
I'd love to see them on a model. Speaking of models, who reads Chiara's blog, http://www.theblondesalad.com/?
To me, she's the definition of perfection. Everything and anything looks stunning on her. I just loveeee reading her blog & looking at all the great photos.
Also, two items for Sale,
I'm weird, I spent more money to buy the same items in a new packaging. yeah, I did that to improve my quality of life by having less space taken up in my 999 square foot apartment (More breathing room, you know). They just couldn't give us that extra 1 square foot.
These two pigments are available if anyone is looking for them in original form.
Both for $30 shipped US
$15.50 each
Have great evening!
p.s. If I don't get a chance to reply to all your comment it's because I'm kind of stressed, and busy with work, life, and the puppies! My mom has been calling me for the past few days and I'm always too busy to talk to her..she got super pissed off at me this morning because I was taking the dogs out and not paying attention to her on the phone and she yelled at me and said I don't want to talk to you anymore! and hung up on me.. that's the kind of stress I'm going through! ugh.
The little puppies are destroying so much stuff (they chew up my furniture!!). I just said farewell to my new Tory Burch sandals..the black patent leather ones that I paid full price for.. it hurt pretty bad. I don't get mad or blame them b/c I'm sure they have no idea what's the difference between a chew toy and a pair of shoes. What happens, happens. Life goes on : ) (that's a forced smiley). lol But what I can't stand is any dog owner who yells at or hits their dog for any mistake of accident. They really don't know better unless you have taught them well. It's the owner's mistake 99% of the time if the dog does something they don't approve of..just saying.
But anyhow, if you do leave a comment, please share with me your thoughts on interpersonal relationships. I'm curious to hear your stories.
the gamble necklace is gorge steph! i hope it does bring you good luck when you roll the dice. ;)
ReplyDeleteim glad you're settling in your new office environment wonderfully, i cant wait to see how you display your jewelry there. :)
i know what you mean by likng stuff but not wanting them for yourself, OMG 5" Gucci heels! i would love to, but i caaaant! hahaha! :P
@coffretgorge They wouldn't look bad on display in our closets..if we had one like Carrie did in SATC! Am I right?
ReplyDeleteIt's so awesome you and Minh are in the same office. It will never be boring :) I also work with my significant other :P haha So I know it's great :) "Serious" mode or not :) It's good he is professional though. He has clients to meet :D
ReplyDeleteThe LV necklace is stunning. Everything about exudes absolute luxury. It's such a beautiful, timeless piece that you can keep forever. I just adore the crystallized squares! They change the prices? I never noticed that. That's not cool! =p
Aw, puppies. They are crazy little things when they're young :)
That necklace looks really good!!!!
ReplyDeleteaww dont be stressed! RELAAAAAXXXX :)
my life has minimal drama which is a good thing and sort of a bad thing..
its half term for me this week - ima chill now! :D
I hope you feel better!
ReplyDeleteAt least your mum talks when your on the phone, lol. All my mom does is listen and sometimes I doubt she is doing that.
What are pigments?
The sparkly melon looks really pretty.
We all have those lazy days. No worries! Sometimes, a t-shirt and jeans would last me through the day. :P I like the sophisticated packaging of the necklace! The necklace itself is sooo pretty. The crystals make it even more glamourous. Hmm, I never really noticed the price changes on the LV site, but then again, I only stalk the site once or twice a month..lusting over my most wanted bags. LOL
ReplyDeleteCongrats on Minh & Sam's new office! Since you're not affiliated, you shouldn't worry too much about how you're dressed there, though I understand how you feel. : )
Your professor must have been googling himself to find your blog post. LOL Very sweet of him to send you a signed copy!! WHOA @ what happened to your relative. That's hardcore...it's horrible!! For some reason, I giggled when I read this: "a girl should never break up with a guy..but to slowly make the guy dislike her and break up with her so he feels like he's in control". Why must the guy always wanna be in control?!
I really enjoy learning/reading about social things like interpersonal relationships. I guess that's why I'm doing a double major in sociology and psychology. :P I just like digging my nose into other people's business, I guess. LOL :D
I follow Chiara's blog! She is just STUNNING and has great style. ...and I can't believe I read your whole post word for word! There's something about the way you write that tells me you're fun and stuff. The way you write isn't "professional" per se, but it really caters to your audience. Good job. ; )
P.S. My boyfriend's sister's fiance saw two owners whipping their dogs the other day 'cause they wouldn't listen or something. That's so awful...
xx The Little Dust Princess
The necklace is so cute!
ReplyDeleteSince your bf and his partners "dress up", why don't you join them? Put all the cute clothes you recently bought to good use yeah? I'd love to see a picture of the leopard print louboutins you got!
I do the same thing to my boyfriend and his best friend too (who is currently single). I am always going on and on about how we should try to hook up our future kids so we can become a big o' family. Haha, but of course both of the guys look at me like I'm some sorta crazy weirdo. Yet, I also do it to tease and annoy my bf. =D
ReplyDeleteThe interpersonal relationship course you took sounds fascinating. I remember you posting about it awhile back and I really wanted to try to read it. Now I think I will. Can you refresh me on the book title? It reminds me of the course I took in human sexuality (it's a psychology course), there was a section about relationships and we also learned a bit about the men dominance thing.
When I was like 18, I started dating for the first time and my dad actually sat me down to talk to me about the "dangers of men". Basically he was saying when you break a guys heart, you never know what they are capable of--especially if they believe they love you more than life. I guess it was a cautionary talk because a similar incident happened to my aunt (super sweet little lady). When she was younger she dated this guy, and eventually broke it off with him, a week or so after the breakup he came to her house and threw acid in her face...then ran off and commited sucide. Shiz like this really does happen everywhere!
I do believe that love isn't 100% equal. I love my bf more than anything, but he once told me he thinks he'll always love me more than I do him..which as bitchy as it sounds..makes me happy. hahahah.
Congrats on the office space, and I hope you patch things up with your mom. I'm sure she'll understand once you sit down and talk to her. It's always hard for parents to not get upset if they think their children aren't paying attention to them anymore/near them. I would know, my mom gave me 3 days of the silent treatment when I moved out the first time..and she got over it. hahah
Yes, sometimes we get on each other's nerves at work and then bring it home o_o It's not the healthiest but we have our own offices so that helps!! :P haha
ReplyDeleteIt's good Minh is all work mode. Lawyers are usually pretty logical ppl :) We bicker about admin things sometimes and it's so silly, but it happens :p !
those shoes are amazing but i will not be able to walk in them lol and omg i love theblondesalad!! She has got to be one of my favorite bloggers!
ReplyDeleteI love the Gucci print heel one. Thats definitely something I'd wear. :)
Thanks for sharing that story-relationship. It sure did open my eyes.
I'd love to share my own interpersonal relationship with you.
My hubby and I dated back in 06, that's when we weren't married yet and when it was my birthday he got me a celly! Little did I know giving out my new number would piss him off so bad. That night was Christmas too, so we were all hanging out and drinking and then when my guy friend called, he went nuts. He demanded his phone back and said were over. So I handed his phone back to him and he left with his friends. Later the next morning, I get a call from his friend saying he got locked up for DUI. He asked me if I had any cash to bail him out because his bail was at 1 g! I had a good amount of money, and therefore handed to his friend when they came to get it. After the bf got out, he called me and told me he was sorry and gave me the cell back. After that incident he loved me more than what I expected but yet he took advantage of me! Some days when he told me he was going to come visit me he was drinking with his friends and made it up for the next week. I looked at it as fair way to make it up. I'm not sure if I was blinded by love, because he was this perfect guy in my view. But my parent's were against me dating him. They thought he was bad because he smoked, and the way he dresses doesn't help improve that also. Now were married, everything just seems so dull some days and plain. I love this man I call my hubby very much but sometimes I feel like I put everything I had to hold this relationship, I offered so much yet I feel like I don't get enough in return? I feel so emotionally sad at some point. Is that bad? I dont know if asian people dont tell you they love you often, but from my experience he doesn't show me the love I want sometimes. Some days I ask myself if he loves me as much as I love him. When we argue he says the meanest things to me, he would use my weakest to his advantage and that hurts me even more. Even on the days I'm happy, I think about the bad things he said and I still feel a little blue. So what category would you put me in? :/
Well that was my story Steph. Anything you can relate to that? I enjoy reading you blog everyday because I learn something new. Even if it doesn't have much pictures today, I still love all the writings you talk about. Don't be stress, sometimes you need to pamper yourself and relax. Over working can lead to stress. You need a spa treatment. hehehe! I know this Seattle rainy weather is making me feel sick too!
Have a great day! Hugs <33
Sooo agree with you about your pup Steph.. Jelly eats anything and everything and its hard to get angry at a)his cute face and b)it's our fault for not clearing it all away..
ReplyDeleteAhh but sometimes he deserves tough love when he pees in my ROOM!! hehe
you should post a photo of you with the necklace on its gorgeous!!
Hey Steph! what are you doing for halloween this weekend?? lots of things happening in seattle... :D
ReplyDeleteLove your beautiful necklace and the stories you always share with us. I love how your blog is so personal even if it is a beauty blog. I know you a little bit better everyday by reading your blog entries (that sounds so creepy). I always tell my boyfriend about your life and how obsessed I am with your blogs and jewelry. He always rolls his eyes and tells me I read the most random thing. Lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd btw, "Women should never marry men who loves her less than he loves her."
Shouldn't it be, women should never marry men who loves her less than she loves him"?
yay long post! I love reading my way through long posts. First of all, that LV necklace is really gorgeous, the internet picture you put up before was pretty, but didn't even do it justice. You should definitely wear it soon! It's definitely true that dressing nice at work makes you feel more professional, it always does that for me at least. I just feel more comfortable in a formal office environment if I dress the part. It was so interesting reading your thoughts about interpersonal relationships, I've honestly never given it that much thought before. I agree with what you said though, sounds like an interesting topic. I might want to study that someday! btw omg love both of those heels! I would totally wear em too lol (but probably only around the house hahahha) I wonder if anyone else ever does that...there are some days I put on a pair of heels in my house and walk around for a bit. It just feels good idk...confidence boosting? ooh MAC melon is a pretty pigment, but my stash is kinda full to bursting now, and I'm trying to exercise self-control (don't know how well that's going to go). It's definitely true that puppies don't know the difference when they go for a pair of flats as opposed to a chew toy, it's nice that you're so understanding of that. Sorry for all the stress you've been going through lately, hope it lightens up!
ReplyDeletewhat was the name of the book again?
i would LOVE to read that book!!!
I do remember reading ur post about that class awhile back..but can't remember the name of the book=(
@Mina, what's your email? or if you'd like email me, nguyenst@msu.edu and I can give you more details on the book. I don't want to post about it here b/c it will probably show up on the search and my prof will read my blog again hahaha
ReplyDeleteIm loving the LV necklace! i love to poker so maybe i should get one too for good luck? lol.
ReplyDeletei'm happy that everything at Arrow Law Group is going good!
ugh, self-esteem issues...something I need to work on. oh and STRESSS. who doesnt have stress?? lol. my weight has been a problem since i started college. (im s'more now) and my parets keep giving me crap about my weight. -__- i mean, i know im bigger but they dont understand how hard college is! im always eatting at night bc during the day im too busy with school, work, or studying. and i always feel out of place when i hang out with my girls. i'm literally the biggest one out of all of them. it makes me kinda sad. im not saying being thicker is bad bc quite hontestly being thick is okay. I have boobs at least! LOL. im jus saying. BUT i decided to change all of that! i've been working out at the gym everyday and bein cautions at what i eat. ive had water for also 3 months now!! im not kidding! nothing much waterrrrrrr. and with just that, my face has gotten a lot better.
im starting to see results which is frickin awesome! by the time may 2011 comes around ill look good in a dress for my cousin's dam hoi! :D im totally motivated.
but i totally understand what stress you're going thru. i hope everything gets better soon! :) i cant wait for the weekend. it's my only time to get away from everything (school and work and parents. LOL).
i've never been in relationship with a signiciant other but growin up i did learn that always be with someone who likes you more than you like him.
i'm sorry about your relative. there are crazy people out there. :( and im sorry about your sandals too! :/
hope you have a great evening! :)
Love it. Can't wait to see some outfit post with your beautiful new necklace!
ReplyDeleteYES, The beauty of online shopping is looking at things that you wish you had, or dream of owning one day. Mr. Louboutin is my Shoe HERO, he definitely owns it when it comes to designing shoes.
Hi Steph! I'm interested in reading that book! You are so right when it comes to being with a guy that loves you more because women are nurturing/caring so they can learn to love.
ReplyDeleteWould you please email me the name of the book when you get a chance? My email address is jleealvarez@gmail.com. Thank you so much!
By the way your LV necklace is beautiful! It will definitely bring you luck. :)
OMG Steph you had me laughing when I was reading your post. I totally lmfao when you said was so "I NEED A SUIT AND TIE OR I WILL DIE." You got me all interested on that interpersonal relationships course and book. Its so crazy how that whole winning a girl back thing happened in your Fam. I know of a similar case my aunt had a friend and she left her husband and was dating another and her husband slit her throat and she died and her boyfrind was going to propose to her but never got the chance to do it sad story. All that info about bankruptcy was interesting. That LV necklace is amazingly beautiful cant wait to see a picture of you wearing it. I read Chiaras blog I love reading it shes so fashionable I love the way she dresses. What you say is so true everthing and anything looks stunning on her and she is the definition of perfection. I think her BF Richie is Hot and her french bulldog Matilda is so cute make me want a french bulldog. I love reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteSteph, for some reason your blog posts arent showing up in my blogger reading list so I thought you stopped updating this blog. Hm strange!! I'll have to look into that, it links to your blog fine but it just isnt updating.
ReplyDeleteLove the gamble necklace so much, actually I like it more pictured on your blog than the LV site. You make it look like fine jewelry!
Glad to hear ALG is running smoothly. I know what you mean about being not dressed for the environment, I am always weirded out when I am not dressed to fit into the environment either. Maybe try it out for a few days and see how it works out for you and the group? I think it's a win-win either way, if you dont dress up you get more work done, haha!
Sorry to hear about the tragic death in your family, it is crazy the things guy do when they get their hearts broken :( But interesting tidbit about women learning to love, I can see how that is true and I never realized it till your post.
Can't wait to see how you display your jewelry, should add a very subtle blingy touch to the office!
Oh man, those Gucci heels are amazing! The CLs are nice and simple but for some reason the print on the Gucci is so much sexier.
@mello yello jen I don't know why it doesn't update, it's weird. Several bloggers have told me..but I haven't found the fix!
ReplyDeletewow your Louis Vuitton package is soo lux. whats that giant folder lookng thing behind it? i have to know...! its pretty cool you took pictures of the pouch. i've always wondered what buying a jewelry item would be like from LV!
ReplyDeleteand the gamble necklace is reallyyyyy nice. i hope you show us modeling pictures! i love it when pendants are separated on the chain. oh and show us your heart earrings too. how baller would you look wearing all that while carrying your big LV galliera? lol you'd look like a million bucks even from a mile away!
are you ever going to show us pictures of the office? lol its great that ALG already has clients. watch, they're going to have to turn away people soon from being too popular.
do you remember how you used to always mention about wanting a girl to talk to, hang out with, and go shopping with? lol i think its hilarious but great at the same time that you found someone now that you have Sam for all that! lol
and you should just leave an extra pair of jeans and a nice coat/jacket at your part of the office so you can still go dressed in sweats but change real quick for lunch! i cheat and I just wear black tights and usually a big, loose shirt since i'm always running around for my family. they're just as comfy as sweats too. look in to those! and i bet they'd look great with your tory burch flats!!! (they're on my wish list now thanks to you >:( )
and holy crap the stuff about relationships is really depressing... the stuff about "a girl can learn how to love but a guy can't" is so true. i used to think my bf cared more about me but that so isn't the case any more... T_T over the years, i learned to love him a lot and he's just "whatever" about us now. its pretty depressing tbh..
sorry for always writing so much =\ but how did your puppies get to your TB sandals!? were they just out? get a higher shoe rack or lock them in your closet!! i really hope they don't ruin any more of your things.
@Gjee, my bf unknowingly knocked it off the shoe rack when he put down the dog leash...we keep the dog leashes near the shoe rack..sigh
ReplyDeleteomg. that is a gorgeous piece of jewelry! Can't wait to be done with school and be a baller like youu ahaha
ReplyDeleteadore the necklace! LV makes some great jewelry.
ReplyDeletesorry you're a bit stressed! hope your week is going better :)
I lost quite a few shoes to my dogs so I feel ya! At least it trains you to put them away and put them up high! LOL!
luv luv luve that necklace :)
ReplyDeleteso jealous.
my puppy was so rambunctious. I lucked out she chewed up my Target flats but left my expensive Cole Haan strappy heels alone. I was so relieved!!
That LV necklace is gorgeous! :) I hope it brings you a lot of luck when you wear it. I have to say I feel the same way about dress code. I work retail so the dress code is pretty open...but sometimes if I am wearing a not so professional looking shirt it makes me feel so bad. I have those issues too Steph! :) I just hate it. I once was called in to open the store and literally had no time to get ready. I forgot to iron my clothes and had to go to work with semi wrinkled pants/shirt and I just was so pissed all day. I didnt want to go behind the counter because it looked so bad. And I am a manager so I always talk about looking your best, ironing your clothes, blah blah blah. It was hard to get through the day :(
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful necklace, i love the purple :)
ReplyDeletei also really like your shoe picks, i'm also a little obssessed with leopard print. i think it looks good with anything haha
Steph, when you have a bit of free, un-stressed time, I'd love to know how long the necklace is. I tried looking on louisvuitton.com for a measurement but it didn't say. It only told me it was a short necklace. Is it more like a choker-style? Thanks in advance.
ReplyDelete@Amanda it is a chocker style necklace, I would say 14"
ReplyDeleteHappy Halloween!
i love the relationship you have with sam! haha it's so cute that you are getting along so well with him :D
ReplyDeleteand btw, i totally understand your stress of the puppies :) you're a good owner that knows it's not the puppies fault for destroying things! some people make me angry when they get mad at their dogs... when it's their own fault -_-
dude, what is the name of that book? i seriously need to send it to a few of my friends, hahaha. no joke. they just cannot let go of their boyfriends/exes/friends or whatever they are and it drives me CRAZY. maybe they just need to read something more factual. who knows -__-
ReplyDeletesounds like minh is an E/I, S, T, J.
all things LV are amazing!
ReplyDeleteWow, it's yours necklace of Louis Vuitton. Congratulations. Enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Melon and Naked! They were my staple eyeshadows this last summer and I always always always got so many compliments with them. I would do naked all over the lid with some of the melon in the crease! Oh and I lOVE that LV bracelet!
ReplyDeleteHi! I would just like to ask if the LV gamble necklace has date code also? I got this LV wish bracelet, it's a leather type bracelet and it does have a date code, so im just wondering if the gamble line has date codes also and where can it be found? Thanks!! =)