::listening to Michael Buble as I write this post:::
My current favorite song by MB is "I'm Your Man"
How is everyone tonight?
I got home from the DSK Workshop ; ) tonight at 7 pm, and decided to hit up the 3 M's! Michaels, Marshalls, and Meijers, lol
Michaels Crafts
I just love browsing this store! Especially the scrapbook section! I always leave with new scrapbook sheet paper, it's crazy. And a million and 1 packs of stickers (I spent $56.99 on stickers today..but so worth it!!!). In regards to their jewelry section..it's terrible! I cannot stand made in China plastic beads & crappy made in China tools, and overpriced jewelry storage containers!!! Plastic bead organizers should not cost $20! lol, so I wait for the 40% off coupon in the Sunday's Ad. :P
I just love browsing their home decor section. This store is where I find all my findings, lol. I bought a few really nice jewelry stands from Marshall's & TJ Maxx. I always find something I like, and the inventory is always changing, so I try to go out there each week if I can :) I cannot stand to browse through their clothing though, I get a headache, lol I have no idea how my mom does it!
Mejers is one of the largest Mid West supermarkets, this is where I buy all my AQUAFINA CHAPSTICK!!! (If you can't find them in your hometown, I have them for sale on my DSK Sale Blog www.dskblogsale.blogspot.com) There's nothing else there right now, but there will be soon ; ) I'll let you know. There are few makeup items I am thinking about putting up for sale, such as MAC lipsticks in Bubbles & Lollipop Loving. I'll have to bust them out and stare at them and then decide. lol, I have a hard time parting with my makeup, sometimes jewelry too.
Anyhow, Meijers was hoppin' tonight, I felt like the whole damn community was grocery shopping at 8:30pm...I get home after buying my 6 packs of Aquafina Chapstick, plain yogurt, granola, honey, Edy's popsicles... I was telling my mom I saw our neighbor..lol a high school teacher.. >.< xo
My Chef loving Nu sent me a thoughtful package :)
We're always sending random packages from MI to RI and RI to MI. The post office makes money off of us, lol. But hey..we're patriotic and support the United States Postal Service! Isn't that right Nu?

MAC lipstick in Hue is the PERFECT shade for me!
I can't wait until my face is less sensitive so I can wear makeup again :)

She's always thinking about me, seriously. And always text me, "Chi, do you have ____"
From now on, I will say YES, I DO
April is one of my newest additions to the DSK Model family :)
She e-mailed me about a month or two ago, with her modeling portfolio, and really impressed me with her professionalism. She also owns a few pieces of DSK, which I cannot a wait to see her photos! She's also new to the Youtube community, and she posted such a sweet video!

April is one of the most kind hearted person I've met!
She's a preschool teacher too :D
Can't you tell by the cuteness of the stickers???

Thank you April, your package was so thoughtful!
April made the Orchid & Sunflower hairclip herself!
Once my hair grows a little bit longer you know I'm going to showing off the Orchid in my hairbun :)
Now onto Michelle Chang Jewelry!
Visit Michelle Chang Jewelry on Etsy HERE
Visit MichelleChangJewelry.com too, I think she has more pieces here
(Her prices on Esty are quite a bit cheaper, just an fyi ;)
I found her store through Fuzkittie, Fuz is THE TREND SETTER.
I checked out Michelle's store, contacted her and ordered a few pieces :)
I fell in love with her Baby Skull jewelry!
She uses Sterling Silver, Gold Plated, and Diamond Accents in most if not all her pieces, ballin'

It was a tough decision for me, but I ended up buying all 3 of the Baby Skulls & Diamond Pieces
I support any jewelry designers I love!

Baby Skull Earrings in Silver with Diamonds: $82.00
(I think she lowered the prices on Etsy, I think I paid $110 >.<)

Baby Skull Ring in Silver with Diamonds Size 7: $64.00
Shipping took about 2 weeks, and she actually forgot about my ring, so I just e-mailed her and she sent it asap :)
Michelle Chang definitely has got some skills!
Check her out! I'm thinking about picking up a few more pieces...
Oh, the temptation!!!
Now time for ......
A Minh & Steph Conversation of the evening,

Part 1
Minh: I feel bad for spending yo money
Steph: what money
have u spent
i don't feel bad spending your money
so why do u feel bad spending mine?
we kinda like a team
and i'm the MVP
Minh: lol
for now...
for now my dear
once I start raking in $10k a day
you will be at home birthing children and teaching them Vietnamese
Steph: hahahahaahahahahaha
i am going to quote you
Part 2
Steph: Minnie
would be a cute
for our daugther
Minh + Stephanie
Minh: lol
what about Pennickle
(Minh's 2 Chihuahua's names are Penny & Nickel)
we will name our German dog that
(we're planning on getting a German Shepherd guard dog when I move out to Seattle in 6 month *crosses fingers*)
Steph: do u ever wonder
what our kids
will be like
Minh: lol no
Steph: i really hope
they're cute
and attractive
not funny looking
with droopy eyes
like their potential father
Minh: whatever
hope they don't have blood blisters everywhere
(ass hole is refering to my eczema)
Steph: lollllll
or ur big ass head
(Minh does have a BIG HEAD)
Minh: big head = big brain
big brain = future lawyers
(first off, my children will be creative and jewelry designers, not mouthy lawyers)
Steph: lol
In more exciting news, there is a new casino in Battle Creek, Michigan!!!
1 hour away from my house! My parents are going tomorrow, it's the grand opening!
I'm going to save the "going to a new casino experience" with my Minhers at the end of August when he visits / be put to work for DSK :P
I wish I could go..but I'm responsible for driving my little sister to and from work.
She works at a restaurant called Bob Evans, they're like a breakfast place for old people, lol.
Bob Evans is like Denny's gone RETIRED.
Apparently, the restaruant makes $40-50k / WEEK,
Isn't that amazing? Lets go open some restaruants for old folks, serve coffee and eggs w/ toast and get rich!
I'm going to have a DSK logo showdown between Moo's logo, my friend John's logo, boyfriend Minh's and anyone else who wants to contribute a logo for DSK Jewelry.
I'm open to anyone else who wants to contribute a logo :)
Prize is $100 for the winning logo by popular vote!

E-mail: DSKJewelry@gmail.com your DSK Logo Entry
Subject title: DSK Logo
In the meanwhile, I'll just be making jewelry ;)
I hired an NYC based web developer to create my site, it cost me in the g's...>.< (that's precious casino money...) lol jk..I quit gambling. But he's a friend of a friend, and his work is outstanding, and he's giving me a deal, and it took A LOT of convincing/begging for him to take on my project! I just love the fact that his work is featured in the The New York Post & The Daily Candy, and he has a really great network. I'm envious and I strive to be a lot like the people he works for! Especially MethodIzaz
Check out his client HERE
MethodIzaz is a brilliant photographer, who captures your candid moments, lol
You hire him to be your personal paparazzi, isn't that such a cool concept?
This photographer aint cheap! I believe it costs you $500/hr to hire him.
Basically..he's ballin' & my entreprenuer role model.
I'm going to go ask my sister if she wants to hire me to be her paparazzi for $5/hr..haha I think I will even get turned down!
Hey...you have to start somewhere!
*snaps a picture*
In DSK Jewelry news, I'm going to be posting my whole range of the Love Potion Collection: Big Daddy Stars & Butterfly Earrings soon.
I want to offer a special for all of you who take the time to read my personal blog, it really means a lot to me that there are few of you out there who put up with me and what I write about, lol
The first girl to leave a comment on this post & leaves me their e-mail address at the end of their comment will get a pair of my DSK BD Fuchsia Butterfly Earrings, how does that sound?
; )

I'm making these my DSK's Big Daddy Fuchsia Butterflies available to everyone else who leaves a comment for $12 + Free Shipping (while supplies last!) I don't have infinitely many pairs readily available, I wish I did!
E-mail: DSKJewelry@gmail.com
I want to give you some DSK perks for being my friends =^_^=
I really need to do a makeup giveaway, I think I'm due for one on my personal blog.
I'm just always wrapped up in my DSK Jewelry world!
I'm selling the DSK's Big Daddy Earrings for $18/pair or $15/pair ordering 2 or more pairs.
Tomorrow I will be working on a DSK Weekend Sale # 2 Post & I hope ot make a few new DSK Lux Bracelets for you ladies. know it's sucks to miss out on a piece you want because I only make one of each. But I want to create new and original pieces so I can impress you more and more as the days, months, and years go by. ^_^
There is a method to my madness ;)
Have a great weekend ladies!
& Join my DSK Model Search!!!
I extended the deadline to August 31st
Random Fact: Did you know the average person spends 2 years of their life in the bathroom?

AHHH I have been suffering from eczema as well =( (At least I THINK it's eczema...)
ReplyDeleteI talk about kids with my BF as well..and I hope they don't get his eyes, they're SOO small lol.
I can't wait for your next blog sale, I bought from you last time =) I really want to try the aquafina chapsticks!
I dunno if I'm the first to comment but my email is
PS: If you remember me and my email about your cough, how is your cough???
What a nice long post! I love browsing at Marshall too. In fact, I bought a dress there yesterday for my friend's wedding. Yes, the clothes section is a mess but, sometimes I can find great deals there.
ReplyDeleteSuper nice jewelry hauls from Michelle Chang.
You and Minh are such a cute & funny couples.
Btw, I got your package today. The Lux Cube bracelet is gorgeous. I'm going show it off at my friend's bday party on Sat..haha Thanks for the earrings. You're always so sweet and generous. I luv everything.
I hope your skin get better soon:)
ahhh, damnit. someone already beat me to it. hahaha. oh wellzy... better luck next time -____-
ReplyDeleteyou and minh... haha... you two lovely old couples. hahaha. j/p. you two aren't old but you know... kind act like old couples sometimes. haha. I hope your kids will look like you with the gorgeous eyes!!!! and everything you want. LOL. hopefully they don't suffer with eczema like us =[
damn woman! your eczema has gone crazyyyyy!!! it's out of control!!! =O I'm lucky that mine only flared up a couple times this year... unlike you -___- try going to the doctors? Did you went yet? I know your mommy made you went!!! or not yet... haha.
the skull jewelry is absolutely adorable!!
ReplyDeletewhat sweet love packages!!! i wish i had friends like that around the globe so i can constantly get packages from around the world!
how nice of you to give away one of your pieces! too bad I didn't make it on time
lol You always take the best pics Chi! I am glad you like everything. I am already plotting the next spoiling spree. Ohh I made a new phrase! ^_^ Lmao and yes I do support the US postal service!!! aha. And omg I cannot Minh said that about your eczema! RAWR TO HIM!!! Oh, and tell me how you like the mascara guard!
ReplyDeleteSteph! Love the post!
ReplyDeleteI know about the eczema..I get it on my EARS!
Love you updates...you're moving to SEATTLE? My parents live there, and my brother and sis in law in Olympia (I think they're moving back to Seattle now).
I popped some extra goodies in your package..some post-laser treatment foundation and concealer, because I know you've been having problems with eczema. This is something that you hopefully should be able to wear during your recovery.
Your convos w/ Minh crack me up. I was also debating on purchasing some Michelle Chang jewelery too. I also lobe the Michaels scrapbooking section, but I never go in there w/o the 40% in hand.
ReplyDeletei hope i am first to comment! i love dsk jewelery and love reading your bog too =D you have adorable jewelery designs! <3 melissa
ReplyDeleteoh i am too late for the comment
ReplyDeleteOoOo that skull ring is cute! (>_<) haha I like the condos you and the bf have. Reminds me of me and my bf whenever I get to see him (living on opposite sides of an island during the summer sucks). Can't wait for the Big Daddy earrings! :D more stars--yaay! I'm a total sucker for stars. Lol.
ReplyDeleteTwo years huh? Hmm...I'm not sure if that could be considered healthy or not to spend 2 years of your life sitting in a locked room on a toilet bowl. (>_<)
Sorry no witty comments from me today... I can't think for some reason! LOL! But you and Minh are the cutest!! LOL! Eczemas and big heads! HA!!
ReplyDeleteLook at all your love!! Sweetness!! And yes Fuz is a trendsetter indeed! :)
Oops. Stupid spell check. I like the convos** you and the bf have. Lol :P
ReplyDeleteSteph u actually made me wanna start blogging now...hehe...i got ur package and I'm super excited to wear them now...i love it! thanks a bunch for the super fast delivery!!!! :D
ReplyDeletei think im too late but here's my email anyways if you've forgoten who I was already hehe...
yeah i just created this week...idk if im suppose to answer you back on here or by email but yeah heres my blog site....hehe
awww I was super late! Damn work! lol!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, You are so generous with these give aways that's why you deserve all of these goodies that they sent =)
The skulls are very cute! I like the necklace so much! =)
Oh, cute conversation with Minh! Adrian and I talks about our future kids someday and we tease each other like that too! ahahah! :P
hey sweetheart. i just made a logo for you but i don't know if i should send you an email or something because you didn't say. So let me know how i can send you the logo :)
ReplyDeletelove kamy
I am super late but just wanted to say I like both your blogs, your jewelry is gorgeous (^^*)
ReplyDeleteAw, super cute earrings!
lauren51990 at aol dot com
hahahaah your convo with minh sounds like convos i have with the man... and wait, wait, wait.. youre moving to seattle!??!?! we're gonna be like across the border from each other! haha! ;P
ReplyDeleteCute!!! Love the love pack & can't wait to get a dsk of my own soon. haha. Haven't e-mailed yet, but will tomorrow or this coming week.
ReplyDeleteLove Marshall's. Yeah, I can't really browse the clothing either but I can do shoes. XD
ReplyDeleteGreat love packages and MC jewelry! Hee hee, the convo with your man is funny. ;)
2 years in the bathroom? Oh man...
Lolz I love your convo with minh :D minnie is a cute name for a girl ;)
ReplyDeleteN can't wait to see your official logo! :)
Only 2 years? I think I'll spend more than that haha
ReplyDeleteI love Micheal's!!! I still haul scrapbooking paper and stickers but I haven't scrapbooked in like 2 yrs... I make no sense.........
Woman!!! you need to stop posting up new jewelry! i asked the bf i could get another bracelet and he kinda yelled at me haha so he said i cant order anymore til after school starts but we'll see how long it lasts! Oooh can't wait to see your new models! and your convos with minh are so funny! michael and i have similar convos like that too making fun of the kids we'll have and whatnot =P xoxo
ReplyDeletelol i enjoyed reading your little transcript there b/w u and your man haha. you crack me up whenever i come visit your blog.