I wish this came out when I was a makeup newbie.
I used Half Baked, and Smog from the palette to achieve my simple eye of the day as you would say. :D

I've never really seen my natural eye lashes so exaggerated by a mascara before. They feel so good and flexible too.
I talked my good friend Danielle into getting it & she did! :D She also picked up the Naked Palette ^_^ Now we're twinners.
I also have been religiously wearing this pair of grey contacts because they're so comfortable!
I don't even remember what they're called...perhaps by GEO? but they're just comfy & I see so wonderful with them on. My eye prescription is (-6.00, -6.00). You could say I'm quite blind without them lol.
I wish wearing glasses was more comfortable, but they always give me a headache.
I think it's more from the frames than the lenses. = /
If I do get a new pair of glasses, I think I would like some big frames just like Josh Groban has!

I think a big dorky frame will be great for night time use : )
I really don't care about looks with glasses since I don't wear them outside mi casa.
But you have to admit how different you can look wearing glasses : )
It's almost like you have a whole new persona! Who feels smarter when they wear their glasses?
*raises hand* I do! I do!
I'm due for a new pair of glasses...I haven't had new glasses since the 8th grade!
I just got the lenses changed each year or two years. I saved my parents quite a bit of money : )
I wish I was still under my dad's vision insurance...it's not nearly as fun to get an eye exam and order contacts when you're obligated to pay full price!
Speaking of my new lack of vision insurance, I currently do not have health insurance either.
My family has been on my tail about buying health insurance. I don't even know where to start shopping! Does anyone know where a self-employed person can buy reasonable health insurance?
My Aunt (one from Paris) says I cannot be cheap when it comes to such a serious matter...and gave me a 30 minute lecture over the phone yesterday...followed by a lecture on how I should not eat late...and then..how I need to get rid of any sauce I have in the fridge (salad dressing, ketchup, mayo).
Aren't elders funny?
She's coming to visit me tomorrow :D
She's only staying a few days because she's going to Vancouver, BC with her friends.
How nice it is to be retired & have a ton of money sitting around to travel.
She's always so nice and generous with me...always asking me if I want anything.
I know she loves me lots : ) It's a great feeling to be loved.
As nice as anyone can be...when your aunt lecture you on health & lifestyle...the level of love you have for them decreases that moment in time. haha
I better go hide the ice cream in the back of the freezer before she gets here!

haha! i need help finding good health insurance as well, i don't think i've really ever had any. well, i had some for a few months then it was just too expensive :\ and the coverage wasn't that great either.
ReplyDeleteShopping for health insurance is a long, tedious, frustrated task. Good luck. I am so clueless on where to go for that. All I can say for sure is this: DO NOT GO TO BLUE SHIELD. They suck. I've had Kaiser for almost all my life (expensive I hear? I was covered under my mother's employer.. Bank of America). When I didn't have any, I went to Blue Shield. It was so hard to get a doctor, get an appointment, getting my RX refilled as a pain in the ass because of their policies, etc. I'm covered by my employer now (THANK GOODNESS) and went back to Kaiser. It's just convenient for me.. Good luck though Steph!!!
ReplyDeleteI just picked up the Naked palette yesterday. I only used Hustle and Half Baked so far but I like it. The colors are VERY VERY blendable and has lasted all day for me. I've been looking into that YSL mascara since I have non-existent looking lashes. It comes highly recommended from Raeview too. Ahhhhh more $$ more products hahahaha.
You and I almost have the same exact eye rx!!! I am SOO BLIND when I don't have my contacts or glasses on. *sigh* Have you thought about Lasik? I'm waiting for my vision to stabilize. My eye doctor told me my prescription has to remain the same for 2 years until they will consider me as a candidate for it. I believe SOME insurance carriers cover a portion of the Lasik procedure, mine does. My vision insurance is VSP.. Don't know how big they are out where you are :(
Good luck though!!!
Wow, your lashes looks wonderful Steph! I will definitely look for this mascara next time I drop by Sephora. :P I have short lashes, and I think this mascara might just do me wonder! Looks like you have fake lashes on. hehehe. I can definitely see the difference between the before and after. I've heard good reviews from this mascara on youtube already so will be checkin' it out. Thanks for the best reviews Steph!